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Episode 5: "Did He Just Say Corn?" -

Show Notes

Episode 1.05 -- “Caroline and the ATM”

Original airdate: October 19, 1995

IMDB entry for this episode


Written by Mark Wilding and Jennifer Glickman

Directed by Rod Daniel


The City becomes a "surveillance" state as we attempt to make a withdrawal at Episode 1.05, "Caroline and the ATM"!  Join us as we discuss the finer details of Richard's sad murder apartment, the gradations of nose-picking, and whether or not the show is trying to gaslight us into hating an American treasure.  Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and the Muppets are a gift, Richard Karinsky, A GIFT!


Friend of the podcast Jason Graae appears in this episode as Mr. Green!  Here's a recent performance he did of Jacques Brel's "Madeleine" that delighted us so:















We absolutely recommend falling down a Jason Graae rabbithole -- if you want a place to start, we'd humbly suggest his brilliant album of Charles Strouse songs:















This week's "plugs":


Amy (maybe?) recommends Mrs. America on Hulu.


Christie recommends The Great Muppet Caper, currently available on Disney+!



Visual aids:

IMDB just gave up:

cartoon mice:

Sophie's--er, Shelly's Choice:

cartoon mice.png
cartoon mice 2.png
Bonnie Belinda 1.png

Pour one out for Bonnie Belinda:

Bonnie Belinda 2.png

This is a very high-minded podcast, we absolutely only screencapped this for science:

Richard shirtless.png
caroline city background.jpg


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© 2020 Christie Baugher & Amy Spalding

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